Canvas on the wall
September 27, 2019
Pictures are memories
October 2, 2019
Canvas on the wall
September 27, 2019
Pictures are memories
October 2, 2019

This is post three out of four, we do more than albums!

Plexi is a product we offer in several interesting combinations.

Suppose you do not make the image as large as the finished plexi, then a "frame" is created.
By choosing the rear plexin in white, black or transparent,
you get different expressions the transparent causes the image to float in front of the wall,
while the white and the black give the image a frame that puts the image in focus.
If you want, you can also let the image go all the way to the edge,
which gives a great and exclusive impression.

Here we have some pictures and more you can find on the page under products / on the wall.
When you order you do so on our order page where you will find what sizes we offer.

Read on our blog about Pictures, Plexi, Wallart and Canvas great products for your pictures to your customers.


Between two Plexiglas the Photographer’s fantastic images take on a whole new dimension, perfect in the public environment and in the modern home of someone.

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