Here we present opportunities for walls ond boxes.
You can right-click and save as or copy link.
Do you want us to photograph your product when it passes us?
We can do so as time goes on, in the same way as these pictures.
Then you get the raw file so you can edit it as you like.
As a "payment" we will post the pictures here on the page.
Extremaalbum not just Albums.
We also do Printar, Canvas, Plexi and Wallart.
You can have your photos mounted on cardboard and in passepartout, don’t forget to tell us what format and color it should be in.
Our canvases are available in 2 or 4 cm tension frames, and are treated with a wax to protect the image.
Plexi can be combined with transparent, white or black back.
If you order the plexiglass larger than the picture, you get a nice passepartout effect.
Wallart is the image mounted on an MDF board which is powder coated on the edges Black or white..