A craft with perfection in every detail.

Some statistics

    • How many percent of all books were in the size 25x25 in 2019?65%
    • How many percent of all books were sold with linen outside in 2019?73%
    • Number of percentages with more than 22 spreads in 201946%

The year 2009 was the year we started our company, Extremaalbum Photoever AB.
From the very beginning, Izabela was CEO of the company we started to build. Wi had axes to the order page, and began to translate words and phrases.
Then the market was fairly new for books made in this new way and there were few programs for design.
A few years later contacted Pixellu us, and we got to participate in beta testing of SmartAlbums. - A revolution!
Today, there are many software to choose from, which you choose depends on taste, economy and features, we are represented in most of them.
We have a short presentation of three software here on the page and under "Private" If we have code to get a discount on two of them, contact us and you will get the code to enter our "private" room.

Once you have designed your book and uploaded it to our server, the lab will check that all files are without problems, then your order will be queued for production. Spreads are printed all spreads folded and they make a block.
The block consists of all double-folded spreads, and the core you selected.
After the block has been compressed, all edges are trimmed.
We check so that all pages are included, and come in the right order.
A textile tape is mounted along the back and the headband is put in place, then the binders are mounted on the block and the book is ready. This workflow applies to all books except Storybook that, has another bond.
Because we bind the books in this way, we can also guarantee the binding of our books as long as you handle the book correctly. After that, the book is sent through us to you.