
February 25, 2019
February 25, 2019

Ftp software

Deliver image files with Filezilla.

Filezilla Send files easily and securely to the lab.
Our recommendation For connection to the FTP server: whether you have a Mac or PC we recommend Filezilla.
FTP connection settings 1 Once you have installed and started the program, File / Site manager..
Settings 2 A window appears on the Site Manager. Click the "New site" button..
Settings 3 Name the place to Extremaalbum.
A new window appears to indicate information for our connection.
Port: Should be empty
Logon type: Normal
User: the username you provided when registering on our order page.
Password: the password we used when registering on our order page.
After all necessary data approve with OK .
Settings4 When you have created a connection, press the button "Connect".
Settings 5 When you connect to the server you have your computer in the left half and in the right half of our server..
Settings 6 When you have the file / directory click the right mouse button select send, or drag it with another mouse to another half.
Settings 7 After transfer, go to the order page and in the box for the name of the folder, type your folder's name..
Settings 8 All files on our server will be deleted automatically after about 2.5 weeks. .
Download Filezilla Download Filezilla.