International Women’s Day 2021
March 8, 2021Do you need a case for pictures
April 29, 2021We wish everyone a Happy Easter.
We would like to remind you that all our customers have a 30% discount!
The discount is on three Books with or without case. - The code you must use is PHEV2018.
(Applies to Standard Book - Fine Art Book - Books with Passepartouter. )
You can also be a Premium customer and have 15% on many of the products, you can read more about here.
More things we want to push for: Let Magnus create a flip book that can be included in our Photoever library.
Or create an info book or a presentation that we did ourselves. ( We do not put it on the bookshelf, if you do not want to. )
This is still free just like joining the Photoever page.
We finance the Photoever page with advertising.
- Say hi to our new family member a Havapoo, in 15 weeks a fantastic little dog named Chad.
If you want to follow Chad, he has his own Instagram account!
Mvh VD Izabela - Magnus - Chad
Chad? Who is it?
We all wish you a Happy Easter.