Https – Are You Sure?

Be creative
May 28, 2020
Vi jobbar med support
Support and updates
June 24, 2020
Be creative
May 28, 2020
Vi jobbar med support
Support and updates
June 24, 2020

If you have a brand / website that you do not give an SSL Certificate, then your website will soon be penalized by Google and lose relevance - You will thus come far down in the search results.

Already in 2010 came https, a protocol that replaces http are you ready for 2020?

What happens if you have not fixed so you have https? and how to do it?
What will happen is that Google penalizes you in the search engines even if you have worked hard with SEO.
Of course it would be sad if it was because of this, that you do not get bookings even though you put in a lot of work!
How do I do then?
- You get an SSL Certificate which can be free!
What if you do not have reservations because you do not have this SSL Certificate!
We have read info at, among others
Talk to your web host or ask Karim for help he is not expensive but knows what needs to be done.

Do you have links that works? Till Facebook - Instagram - Youtube and a website that has https check today!

From now on we will go through all the links on

Since the search engines will penalize anyone who does not have https, we will now only link to addresses with https.
It may then happen that you land on a warning page, so it is important to fix this!
It will also have great significance in search results on the web, so it is important that you obtain ssl certificates and get a secure page.
All photographers can be included on our page which is free year-round, if you are not with you now have your chance.
We will work systematically and email you if you lack info, you may also want to take the opportunity to change something?

We will work systematically and email you if you lack info, you may also want to take the opportunity to change something?

What does your site look like on the page?
Do you have correct links?
If you do not have https, it will display a warning.
When we go through all the links and find something we want to ask about, we send an email.
Look in your browser if you are unsure!
In the worst case the browser doesn't connect and you lose a customer.
We have everything in order!
And the browser shows that we are a safe place.

** This post may contain affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
** Detta inlägg kan innehåller affiliate-länkar och jag kommer att få ersättning om du gör ett köp efter att ha klickat på mina länkar.

Extremaalbum are available in several places, and we want you to like and share we need all the help we can get just like you.

If you have a brand / website that you do not give an SSL Certificate, then your website will soon be penalized by Google and lose relevance – You will thus come far down in the search results.

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